Devils Lake Transit - To Schedule a Ride Call 701-662-5061

  **Special Notice for the month of September. We will NOT be doing the Wednesday ride to Grand Forks on Wednesday,      September 18th, 2024.  Thank you for your understanding.

Devils Lake Transit Hours

Monday - 7:35 am to 5:00 pm

Tuesday - 7:35 am to 5:00 pm

Monday - 7:35 am to 5:00 pm

Wednesday - 7:35 am to 5:00 pm

Thursday - 7:35 am to 5:00 pm

Friday - 7:35 am to 5:00 pm

No Rides to or from the Wal-Mart area after 4 pm

**Calls will be taken until 4:30 pm


In Town
Under 16$1.00 with paid adult (limit 2)
Out of Town
Price varies depending on trip option

Policies, Forms and Information

Students in the DLHS Career Experience

Devils Lake Transit Brochure

Devils Lake Transit Rider Policy (Updated Sept. 2023)

Title VI - Updated 8/2023

Title VI Complaint Form - Fillable

NDDOT Title VI Public Participation Survey

Limited English Proficiency Plan (Updated Sept. 2023)

Transit Complaints of Nondiscrimination Form

Service Complaint Form

Out of Town Trips

To Grand Forks

1st Monday

2nd Tuesday

3rd Wednesday

4th Thursday

*Departure time is 2 hours before the first scheduled appointment

**Reservations must be made in advance

If one of these days falls on a holiday we do not rechedule.

We ask that you make your appointments between 9 am and 2 pm. We leave Grand Forks no later than 4 pm.

Out of Town Trips

To Starkweather & Hampden

1st Wednesday of each month

**Reservations must be made in advance

If one of these days falls on a holiday we do not rechedule.

We ask that you make your appointments between 10:30 am and 2 pm.

Out of Town Trips

To Edmore, Lawton, & Brocket

3rd Monday of each month

**Reservations must be made in advance

If one of these days falls on a holiday we do not rechedule.

We ask that you make your appointments between 10:30 am and 2 pm.